# Role-Based Access Control Bronze Silver Gold (opens new window)

✋ 🚧 This API is considered unstable for now.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is an approach to restricting access to some users. In a Strapi application, users of the admin panel are administrators. Their roles and permissions are configured in the admin panel. The Community Edition of Strapi offers 3 default roles (Author, Editor, and Super Admin). To go further, creating custom conditions for any type of permission is also possible. This requires an Enterprise Edition with at minimum a Bronze licence plan.

# Declaring new conditions

Declare a single condition as an object, and multiple conditions as an array of objects. Each condition object can have 5 possible properties:

  • displayName (string): the condition name as shown in the admin panel,
  • name (string): the condition name, kebab-cased,
  • category (string, optional): conditions can be grouped into categories available in the admin panel; if undefined, the condition will appear under the "Default" category,
  • plugin (string, optional): if the condition is created by a plugin, should be the plugin's name, kebab-cased (e.g content-manager),
  • handler: a function used to verify the condition (see using the condition handler)

Declare and register conditions in your ./config/functions/bootstrap.js file (see Registering conditions).


The condition name property acts as a unique id (opens new window) within its namespace, that is either the plugin if the plugin property is defined, or the root namespace.

# Using the condition handler

A condition can be applied to any permission, and the condition handler is used to verify the condition. The handler is a function returning a query object or a boolean value.

Query objects are useful to verify conditions on the entities you read, create, update, delete or publish. They use the sift.js (opens new window) library, but only with the following supported operators:

  • $or
  • $and
  • $eq
  • $ne
  • $in
  • $nin
  • $lt
  • $lte
  • $gt
  • $gte
  • $exists
  • $elemMatch

The condition handler can be a synchronous or asynchronous function that:

  • receives the authenticated user making the request,
  • and returns true, false, or a query object.

Returning true or false is useful to verify an external condition or a condition on the authenticated user. For instance, a condition that allows access to a page in the admin panel only if server time is 5pm could use this handler:

handler: () => new Date().getHours() === 17;

The handler function receives the authenticated user, so it can verify conditions on the user:

const condition = {
  displayName: 'Email address from strapi.io',
  name: 'email-strapi-dot-io',
  async handler(user) {
    return user.email.includes('@strapi.io');

For more granular control, the handler function can also return a query object:

const condition = {
  displayName: 'price greater than 50',
  name: 'price-gt-50',
  async handler(user) {
    return { price: { $gt: 50 } };

# Registering conditions

To be available in the admin panel, conditions should be declared and registered in the ./config/functions/bootstrap.js file. Register a single condition with the conditionProvider.register() method:

module.exports = async () => {
  await strapi.admin.services.permission.conditionProvider.register({
    displayName: 'Billing amount under 10K',
    name: 'billing-amount-under-10k',
    plugin: 'admin',
    handler: { amount: { $lt: 10000 } },

To register multiple conditions, defined as an array of condition objects, use conditionProvider.registerMany():

const conditions = [
    displayName: "Entity has same name as user",
    name: "same-name-as-user",
    plugin: "name of a plugin if created in a plugin"
    handler: (user) => {
      return { name: user.name };
    displayName: "Email address from strapi.io",
    name: "email-strapi-dot-io",
    async handler(user) {
      return user.email.includes('@strapi.io');

module.exports = async () => {
  // do your boostrap

  await strapi.admin.services.permission.conditionProvider.registerMany(conditions);