# Admin panel configuration

The ./config/admin.js is used to define admin panel configuration for the Strapi application. This file should at least include configurations for authentication and API tokens.

# Available options

The ./config/admin.js file can include the following parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default
apiToken.salt Salt used to generate API tokens String (A random string
by Strapi)
auth Authentication configuration Object -
auth.secret Secret used to encode JWT tokens string undefined
auth.events Record of all the events subscribers registered for the authentication object {}
auth.events.onConnectionSuccess Function called when an admin user log in successfully to the administration panel function undefined
auth.events.onConnectionError Function called when an admin user fails to log in to the administration panel function undefined
url Url of your admin panel. Default value: /admin. Note: If the url is relative, it will be concatenated with url. string /admin
autoOpen Enable or disabled administration opening on start. boolean true
watchIgnoreFiles Add custom files that should not be watched during development. See more here (opens new window) (property ignored). Array(string) []
host Use a different host for the admin panel. Only used along with strapi develop --watch-admin string localhost
port Use a different port for the admin panel. Only used along with strapi develop --watch-admin string 8000
serveAdminPanel If false, the admin panel won't be served. Note: the index.html will still be served, see defaultIndex option boolean true
forgotPassword Settings to customize the forgot password email (see more here: Forgot Password Email) Object {}
forgotPassword.emailTemplate Email template as defined in email plugin Object Default template (opens new window)
forgotPassword.from Sender mail address string Default value defined in your provider configuration
forgotPassword.replyTo Default address or addresses the receiver is asked to reply to string Default value defined in your provider configuration

# API tokens

Authentication strategies in Strapi can either be based on the use of the Users & Permissions plugin or on the built-in API token feature.

Using API tokens allows executing a request on REST API endpoints as an authenticated user. The API token should be added to the request's Authorization header with the following syntax: bearer your-api-token.

New API tokens are generated from the admin panel using a salt. This salt is automatically generated by Strapi and stored in ./config/admin.js as apiToken.salt.

The salt can be customized:

  • either by updating the string value for apiToken.salt in ./config/admin.js
  • or by creating an API_TOKEN_SALT environment variable in the .env file of the project


Changing the salt invalidates all the existing API tokens.